Extension of compulsory education – information available for young people in social media and in Education Minister’s Q&As

Ministry of Education and Culture
Publication date 11.2.2021 9.22
Type:News item

The minimum school leaving age will be raised to 18 years. This first applies to those school-leavers who finish comprehensive school this spring. The Ministry of Education and Culture provides information on the reform to young people in the social media. School-leavers finishing comprehensive school will also be sent information on the reform to their home address.

The Act on Compulsory Education will enter into force on 1 August 2021, but the provisions related to the obligation to apply already entered into force on 1 January 2021. The obligation to apply means that all 9th graders in comprehensive school will apply for upper secondary education in the joint application procedure between 23 February and 23 March 2021, or in some other way.

The Ministry of Education and Culture will be giving information on the reform to young people between February and March using the Ministry's Instagram account. The account status updates tell young people about the reform, such as what the reform means and why it is being done. Videos related to the topic will also be posted on the account, and in February, social media influencers will be appearing on the account. Reminders of the spring joint application procedure will be emphasised in lobbying. 

Minister of Education Jussi Saramo will be visiting schools online through Teams in the spring and will answer students' questions. One Q&A that will be held at Kaukovainio school in Oulu on 15 February at 10 –10.45 will be live-streamed on the YouTube channel of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Saramo will also hold Q&As for young people on the Ministry’s Instagram account. The first Q&A will be held on 22 February. You can submit questions in advance via the Instagram account the day before.

The Ministry will also be sending 9th graders and their parents and guardians information about the reform to their home address.

Read more:
Ministry of Education and Culture
Finnish National Agency for Education 

Touko Sipiläinen, Special Adviser, tel. +358 295 330 143, Ministry of Education and Culture
Mari-Kaisa Brander, Director of Communications, Ministry of Education and Culture, tel. +358 40 131 3388 and Mari Koivula, Communications Specialist (inquiries on streaming and sharing), tel. +358 295 330 194, Ministry of Education and Culture

Education General education Vocational education and training Youth