City of Helsinki and Ministry of Education and Culture:
Study on the realisation of a new Design and Architecture Museum Complex

The Ministry of Education and Culture and the City of Helsinki are working with the foundation for the Design Museum and the foundation for the Architecture Museum and the Architecture Information Centre to come up with realisation alternatives for a design and architecture museum complex in line with the highest international standards.
The objective is to create guidelines for the renewal of the operations of the Design Museum and the Architecture Museum. The starting point is strengthening the role of the museums and the objective to increase the local, national and international impact and attractiveness.
The project will identify the needs, strengths and possibilities of synergy of the museums. The objective is to create museum operations and a tourist destination offering diverse services for different kinds of audiences and co-operation networks. The main asset of the project are the museums and their unique collections and information resources of Finnish design and architecture, extensive experience of museum operations and expertise and co-operation networks.
The Ministry of Education and Culture and the City of Helsinki have together with the museums also identified that a shared museum building may be an integral part of the solution. However, a new building does not, on its own, solve the development needs associated with the operations of the museums or constitute a high-quality attraction for the visitors in terms of international recognition and content.
The study is managed by a project group, headed by CEO Tuomas Auvinen. The other members of the project group are Creative Director, Strategic Marketing Mirkku Kullberg and Innovator Ulla Teräs. The study is monitored by a support group assigned by the Government, the City and the museums. The work on the study starts on 20 March 2018 and the project presents its final report by 15 June 2018.
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Design and architecture hold an essential role both in the construction of the Finnish identity and in the success of Finland and Helsinki. Through the development of the operating conditions and co-operation of the Design Museum and the Architecture Museum, it would be possible to increase the effectiveness and visibility of their operations. The success of the museums would improve the recognition, appeal and visibility of Finnish design and architecture, and increase the attractiveness of Helsinki and entire Finland.
Further information:
The Ministry of Education and Culture:
Director General Riitta Kaivosoja, tel. +358 295 3 30129, [email protected]
City of Helsinki:
Executive Director, Culture and Leisure Tommi Laitio, tel. +358 50 563 4950, [email protected]
The Foundation for the Architecture Museum and the Architecture Information Centre:
Chairman of the Board Marco Steinberg, tel. +358 40 482 7508, [email protected]
Foundation for the Design Museum:
Museum Director Jukka Savolainen, tel. +358 50 307 0455, [email protected]
Head of the Project Group:
CEO Tuomas Auvinen, tel. +358 50 648 48, [email protected]