Council of Europe adopt Recommendation on gender mainstreaming in sport

Ministry of Education and Culture
Publication date 24.2.2015 10.17
Type:News item

The Recommendation promotes policies and practices to ensure gender mainstreaming in all fields and at all levels of sport. Member states are to encourage co-operation between stakeholders responsible for sport, physical education and gender equality policies at the national level.

The Recommendation includes a list of legislative and policy measures, specific programmes to combat gender-based violence in sport, awareness-raising, and measures in formal and non-formal physical education, among others.

Member states are asked to review gender mainstreaming policies, practices and results at the national level and report to the relevant bodies of the Council of Europe on the steps taken and progress achieved.

Recommendation CM/Rec(2015)2 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on gender mainstreaming in sport

Source: Council of Europe