The national Ahtisaari Day celebrated for the second time

Ministry of Education and Culture
Publication date 5.11.2012 10.55
Type:News item

The Ahtisaari Day will be celebrated again on Thursday 8 November. The purpose of the Ahtisaari Day is to increase information about prevention and resolution of disputes both internationally and at an everyday level. The day lays special emphasis on peace mediation and conciliation in everyday life and the Finnish peace mediation competence. Education and upbringing play a major role in increasing such information.

Schools are at the very heart of the Ahtisaari Day. The Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Finnish National Board of Education have invited all schools to celebrate the Ahtisaari Day. The aim is to increase information about dispute conciliation and enhance the relevant skills both in one’s everyday life and at an international level.

Schools can come up with their own ideas on how to participate in the day or they can seek tips from the material package put together for schools, including exercises and assignments related to the themes of conciliation, peace, and conflict resolution produced by various organisations.

This year, the main venue of the Ahtisaari Day will be Helsinki, and the programme will be divided into events intended for schools, the general public and experts. The programme will consist of, for example, awarding of pupil conciliators elected by schools in Helsinki, a public event organised by the University of Helsinki, and a high-level seminar of experts.

On the Ahtisaari Day, President Ahtisaari will visit two schools in Helsinki and participate in an event held by the City of Helsinki Education Department, organised in honour of conciliators the schoolchildren have elected from among themselves.

The public event to be held at the University of Helsinki on Thursday 8 November will provide an opportunity to discuss with President Ahtisaari. The theme of the event is civil peace in Finland and elsewhere in the world. The event will be webcasted live over the Internet.

As part of the Ahtisaari Day, CMI and the Finnish Institute of International Affairs will organise a high-level seminar of experts on Friday 9 November that will bring together international experts of peace mediation and conflict resolution. In addition to peace mediation professionals, the seminar will be attended by actors from various sectors and, accordingly, the seminar highlights a multi-sector approach to peace mediation.