International Networks in Higher Education: Best Practices and Experiences
Perjantai 7.2.2025 klo 9.30 – 11.30
The Ministry of Education and Culture will organise a seminar titled "International Networks in Higher Education: Best Practices and Experiences". The seminar will present the results of the eight global networks funded by the Strategic Internationalisation Program, as well as the outcomes of the Talent Boost activities in higher education institutions. The seminar is part of the situational analysis update for the vision work in higher education and research.
Korkeakoulujen kansainvälisyysohjelman (2021-2024) parhaat käytännöt -seminaari
Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö järjestää korkeakoulujen Kansainväliset verkostot: parhaat käytännöt ja kokemukset -seminaarin 7.2.2025 klo 9.30–11.30 Microsoft Teamsin välityksellä.
Seminaari esittelee strategisen rahoituksen kansainvälisyysohjelman kahdeksan globaalihankkeen sekä korkeakoulujen Talent Boost- toiminnan tuloksia. Seminaari on osa korkeakoulutuksen ja tutkimuksen visiotyön tilannekuvan päivitystä.
Seminaarin kieli on englanti.
Best Practices of the Internationalisation program (2021-2024) -seminar
The Ministry of Education and Culture will organise a seminar titled "International Networks in Higher Education: Best Practices and Experiences". The seminar will be held on February 7, 2025, from 9:30 to 11:30 via Microsoft Teams.
The seminar will present the results of the eight global networks funded by the Strategic Internationalisation Program, as well as the outcomes of the Talent Boost activities in higher education institutions. The seminar is part of the situational analysis update for the vision work in higher education and research.
The working language of the seminar is English.
Programme 7.2.2025 at 9.30-11.30
9:30 Welcome, Director General Sirkku Linna, Ministry of Education and Culture
9:45 Insights from the TB Program and Global Networks and for Future Vision Work/International Cooperation:
- Messages from Talent Boost -actions
- Finland-Africa Platform for Innovation FAPI (University of Turku)
- Finland-China Network in Food and Health Sciences (University of Turku)
- Finnish-American Research and Innovation Accelerator FARIA (University of Helsinki and Aalto University)
- Finnish and Southern African Higher Education Institutions Network for Health and Wellbeing, SAFINET (University of Tampere)
- Finnish Indian Consortia for Research and Education FICORE (Aalto University)
- Global Innovation Network for Teaching and Learning, GINTL (University of Helsinki and University of Jyväskylä)
- China-Network of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (Haaga-Helia UAS, Metropolia UAS and Laurea UAS)
- EDUCase – Higher Education Platform for Global Sustainability (University of Aalto)
11:15 Discussion
11:30 Closing Remarks, Director General Sirkku Linna