Meeting of Sport Ministers: Russia and Belarus to be suspended from international sports federations

Ministry of Education and Culture
Publication date 8.7.2022 10.43
Type:News item

On Thursday 30 June, the sports ministers of 35 like-minded countries issued a second joint statement stating that the national administrative bodies of Russian and Belarusian sports should be suspended from international sports federations. The collective of like-minded countries issued their first statement in March.

Sports ministers held a teleconference meeting on Thursday, where they unanimously decided to draw up the statement. Under the statement, Russian and Belarusian sport national governing bodies should be suspended from international sport federations. In addition, individuals closely aligned to the Russian and Belarusian states, including but not limited to government officials, should be removed from positions of influence on international sport federations, such as boards and organising committees.

National and international sports organisations should consider suspending the broadcasting of sports competitions into Russia and Belarus.

The sports ministers took the view that in cases where national and international sports organisations, and other event organisers, choose to permit sportspeople (including athletes, officials and administrators) from Russia and Belarus to participate in sporting events, it should be clear that the sportspeople are not representing the Russian or Belarusian states.

The use of official state Russian and Belarusian flags, emblems and anthems should also be prohibited.

The statement calls on all international sport federations to take account of these principles. These restrictions should be in place until cooperation under the rules-based international order has become possible again.

Respect for human rights and peaceful relations between nations form the foundation of international sport, the statement declares. The statement encourages the international sport community to continue to show its solidarity with the people of Ukraine, including through supporting the continuation and reconstruction of Ukrainian sport where possible.


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