Extension of compulsory education
In addition, student guidance and student welfare services will be improved, along with the capacity of comprehensive schools to provide everyone with the skills to complete upper secondary education.
The extension in compulsory education became effective in 2021. The related new Act was applied for the first time to those subject to compulsory education whose compulsory education under the current Act terminated in 2021.
Raising the age of compulsory education to 18 years and extending compulsory education to upper secondary education requires ensuring that all those who complete compulsory school education have the knowledge, skills and competence required for upper secondary education.
The Leaving Age in Compulsory Education is Raising -brochure
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Press releases and news
Extension of compulsory education – information available for young people in social media and in Education Minister’s Q&As
Compulsory education to be extended in August 2021 – reform aims to improve conditions for learning and wellbeing among young people and to increase employment rate
Extensive programme for guidance counselling — additional resources for guidance as part of the extension of compulsory education
Issues related to basic education
Marja Penttilä, Senior Ministerial Adviser
Ministry of Education and Culture, Varhaiskasvatuksen, perusopetuksen ja vapaan sivistystyön osasto ( VAPOS ) Telephone:0295330400 Email Address: [email protected]