Finnish National Framework for Qualifications and Other Competence Modules
Finnish National Framework for Qualifications and Other Competence Modules
In the framework of qualifications and other competence modules, the qualifications, syllabuses and other extensive competence modules belonging to the Finnish National Framework for Qualifications (FiNQF) are classified into eight levels based on the required competences.
The framework describes the learning outcomes required for qualifications, syllabuses and other extensive competence modules in terms of knowledge, skills and competencies in a uniform and comparable manner and defines their relationships.
The framework aims to make the Finnish qualifications system clearer and to make national and international qualifications more transparent and easier to compare. It makes it easier to recognise qualifications, encourages national and international mobility, and paves the way for actors in education to cooperate and promote educational services.
The framework is based on the Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment of the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (2008/C 111/01). The Council recommendation on the European Qualifications Framework was amended in May 2017 (2017/C 189/03). The purpose of the Framework is to make it easier to compare qualifications and degrees in different countries.
The Finnish National Agency for Education is responsible for providing information and advice to the authorities related to the National Qualifications Framework as well as for international cooperation and related communications. The Agency also provides information on the National Qualifications Frameworks of other countries.
The Finnish National Qualifications Framework and Other Competence Modules describes the qualifications and syllabuses laid down in the legislation governing the administrative branch of the Ministry of Education and Culture and in the legislation governing other administrative branches. Besides qualifications, the Framework also includes specialist training in medicine and specialist training in dentistry and a handful of other extensive competence modules beyond the scope of the qualifications system belonging to different administrative branches.
Expanding the Framework
The legislation governing the framework entered into force on 1 March 2017. Provisions on the framework are laid down in the Act on the Framework for Qualifications and Other Competence Modules (93/2017) and in the Government Decree on the Framework for Qualifications and Other Competence Modules (120/2017). The framework was expanded and amendments, which entered into force on 15 February 2020 (61/2020), were made to the Annex to the related Government Decree. The second round of additions to the framework and related amendments to the Annex to the Government Decree entered into force on 1 August 2022 (425/2022).
The Finnish National Framework for Qualifications and Other Competence Modules will be updated and supplemented by amending the Annex to the Government Decree (120/2017). The Ministry of Education and Culture is in charge of the changes.
Administrative branches and stakeholders can propose new competence modules for the national framework. The Ministry of Education and Culture processes all submitted proposals at least every 24 months. All proposals submitted by the end of March in the relevant year are considered.
The Finnish National Agency for Education puts together the proposals, issues statements on them and submits them to the Ministry of Education and Culture annually by the end of June. The Ministry of Education and Culture evaluates the proposals and, if necessary, consults other administrative branches and stakeholders. A draft amending the Annex to the Decree is sent out for comments before the Decree is issued.
Proposals for new competence modules may currently be submitted until 31 March 2023. The proposals are made using an electronic form available on the website of the Finnish National Agency for Education. The website of the Finnish National Agency for Education also provides detailed information on the criteria applicable to the competence modules to be included in the framework.
A working group appointed for identifying competences will examine the opportunities for expanding the framework for qualifications and other competence modules. The working group’s term ends in December 2024. The working group will submit its proposals by the end of 2022 on how to develop competence-based badges and other descriptors as well as on the possible expansion of the Framework for Qualifications and Other Competence Modules.
Contact information
Laura Hansén, Senior Ministerial Adviser
Ministry of Education and Culture, Korkeakoulu- ja tiedepolitiikan osasto ( KTPO ), Strategisen ohjauksen vastuualue (STO) Telephone:0295330098 Email Address: [email protected]