Client fees charged for early childhood education and care

Toy. The Act on Client Fees in Early Childhood Education and Care (1503/2016) lays down provisions on the client fees charged for early childhood education and care services provided by municipalities at early education centres and in family daycare. The Act does not apply to early childhood education and care provided by private service providers.

The client fees are determined on the basis of the size and income of the family and the number of hours that a child participates in early childhood education and care. 

The amount of the client fee is determined on the basis of the taxable earned income and capital income as well as tax-exempt income of the child, the child's parent or other guardian, and the married spouse or domestic partner of the parent or guardian living in the same household with the parent or guardian.

If a child participates in early childhood education and care at most 20 hours of per week, the monthly fee is at most 60% of the full-time fee. When a child participates in early childhood education and care for an average of at least 35 hours per week, the full-time fee may be charged. When a child participates in early childhood education and care for more than 20 hours but less than 35 hours per week, the municipality will charge a fee that is in proportion to the time the child spends in early childhood education and care.

Index adjustments are made every two years to client fees and to income thresholds governed by the Act on Early Childhood Education and Care. The latest index adjustment will enter into force in August 2024.

Client fees for early childhood education and care  

Income thresholds and payment percentages

Number of people in family Income  threshold 
1 March 2023
EUR /month
Income  threshold 
1 August 2024
EUR /month
Payment percentage
2 3,874 4,066 10,7 %
3 4,998 5,245 10,7 %
4 5,675 5,956 10,7 %
5 6,353 6,667 10,7 %
6 5,284 7,376 10,7 %
The income thresholds for families with more than six family members is raised by EUR 262 for each successive child (275 euros as of 1 August 2024). 

Maximum fees

Maximum fees Fee in euros 1.8.2022 Fee in euros 1.8.2024
Maximum fee 295 311
Maximum fee for second child 118 124
Minumun fee charged per child 28 30


Contact information

Tarja Kahiluoto, opetusneuvos 
Ministry of Education and Culture, Varhaiskasvatuksen, perusopetuksen ja vapaan sivistystyön osasto ( VAPOS ) Telephone:0295330386   Email Address:

Hanna Salokaarto, Senior Specialist 
Ministry of Education and Culture, Varhaiskasvatuksen, perusopetuksen ja vapaan sivistystyön osasto ( VAPOS ) Telephone:0295330231   Email Address: