State Indemnities for Art Exhibition Poika juoksee taidemuseossa

State guarantees help promote the organisation of major exhibitions so that museums do not need to incur the cost of insurance.

The state indemnity system also applies to historical and other cultural exhibitions. State indemnity discharges the organisers of major exhibitions from the costs incurred by exhibit insurance. The purpose of the system is to promote high-level international and domestic exhibition activity and cultural exchange.

The organiser of an exhibition entitled to state indemnity can only be a domestic public corporation or other non-profit organisation or foundation. State indemnity cannot be granted to exhibitions that are commercial in nature. The exhibition premises must be intended for hosting permanent exhibitions and must fulfil all applicable fire and other safety requirements.

The state indemnity is discretionary and may include conditions or restrictions set for the exhibition organiser. General safety requirements may also be imposed on the exhibition premises and transportation arrangements.

An application for state indemnity must be submitted to the Registry of the Ministry of Education and Culture at least three (3) months before the beginning of the state indemnity applied. Address: P.O. Box 29, 00023 Government. If the indemnification decision is needed earlier than this, the application must be submitted at a correspondingly earlier date.

Note! Any appendices to the application that are submitted at a later date must be sent directly to the secretary of the State Indemnity Board, not the Ministry.

In the granting of state indemnity, the Ministry of Education and Culture is assisted by the State Indemnity Board.


State Indemnity Board - Guide for Applicants
What to do in the event of damage (in Finnish)


Application form for state indemnity for art exhibitions (in Finnish)  
Form for notification of damage to an object covered by state indemnity (in Finnish)
Follow-up form (in Finnish)


General descripition of the security systems (in Finnish)
Inspection report on the security systems  (in Finnish)

EU/Collection Mobility

European indemnity schemes – comparative chart

Contact information

Petri Suni
State Indemnity Board, Paasitie 15 E 21, 00830 Helsinki
p. 040-501 4240, [email protected]

Päivi Salonen, Senior Ministerial Adviser
Ministry of Education and Culture, Department for Art and Cultural Policy, Division for Art and Cultural Heritage
tel. 0295 330 281, [email protected]