The Team Finland Knowledge network helps achieve a more internationally oriented position in higher education and research. The network is tasked with attracting talented people to Finland and building contacts for sharing Finnish knowledge, expertise and educational innovation.
By promoting the international networking of Finnish actors in the fields of higher education and research, we can further improve the quality and effectiveness of higher education and research and enhance business cooperation.
The network set up by the Ministry of Education and Culture comprises eight higher education and science councellors working in London, Los Angeles, New Delhi, Beijing, Pretoria, Sao Paulo, Singapore and Washington. The tasks of these senior specialists stationed in Pretoria, Sao Paulo and Singapore are regional.
The network's higher education and science specialists, i.e. the Team Finland Knowledge specialists, are located in Finnish missions abroad. Their tasks include following the local higher education and science policies, promoting cooperation opportunities and visibility in the designated country or region and assisting Finnish actors in stepping up cooperation with regional actors.
Tiina Vihma-Purovaara, opetusneuvos Ministry of Education and Culture, Korkeakoulu- ja tiedepolitiikan osasto ( KTPO ), Tiedepolitiikan vastuualue ( TIEVA ) Telephone:0295330327Email Address:[email protected]