Financing and administration of culture and the arts

lasihelmiä. KUVA: CC0 Pixabay The Ministry of Education and Culture is the most important central government provider of funding for arts and culture. 

The amount of funding allocated to museums and performing arts in the State subsidies system will be determined for each institution according to a predetermined number of theoretical person-years and the unit-price determined for a person-year. The State subsidies for libraries are included in the Ministry of Finance's main title of expenditure in the general Budget.

The Act on Discretionary Government Transfers provides on how discretionary government transfers are granted. Transfers have been grouped according to the strategic objectives for cultural policy.  

The State grants system for individual artists comprises grants awarded by arts councils and copyright royalties accumulated through the copyright system. Grants awarded by arts councils are part of the discretionary funding given to arts and culture.

The Ministry of Education and Culture and its administrative sector is one of the largest implementers of European Social Fund projects in Finland, and the ministry’s share of European Regional Development Fund projects is also significant. The EU also has extensive funding and grant programmes for arts and culture.

The Ministry of Education and Culture produces and concludes performance agreements with the agencies and units under its administration, which specify objectives and resources for social impact and operational performance.