Programmes for quality and equality in early childhood and comprehensive school education
The Right to Learn development programmes aim to secure an equal start for learning by improving quality and equality in early childhood education and care (ECEC) and comprehensive school education. The Ministry of Education and Culture will implement the programmes between 2020 and 2022.
The Right to Learn will strengthen quality and equality in ECEC and comprehensive school education by reducing and preventing learning differences and by strengthening support for learning.
The Right to Learn incorporates legislative and financial changes and promotes practices and methods that strengthen equality.
Development Programme for Quality and Equality in Early Childhood Education and Care
Not only does ECEC lay the foundation for children’s future learning; it also levels out differences in learning that stem from their family backgrounds.
The objective of the programme is to find ways for more children to participate in ECEC. By enhancing pre-primary and early primary education, it will improve the early learning of basic skills and provide better support for such learning.
Right to Learn goals for ECEC:
- We will create equal conditions for learning paths
- We will promote learning support
- We will create a more flexible start for learning
- We will improve the quality of ECEC
Development Programme for Quality and Equality in Comprehensive School Education
Comprehensive school guarantees everyone equal opportunities to learn the skills they need in life.
The Right to Learn programme aims to identify effective measures to reverse the growth of inequality and to reduce group sizes. The objective is to reduce and prevent learning differences arising from children’s socioeconomic status, immigrant background or gender, to strengthen support for learning and for special needs, and to improve literacy.
Right to Learn goals for comprehensive school education:
- We will strengthen learning outcomes and equality in education
- We will make available better support for children
- We will strengthen the quality of teaching
Drawing on the Forum and evidence-based data
The National Forum for Comprehensive School Education and ECEC brings together experts and stakeholders in the promotion of educational equality.
The Forum:
- supports programme implementation and dissemination of information
- improves the effectiveness and continuity of development measures
- combines expertise and evidence-based data.
The development programmes will both produce new data and make use of existing research findings.
Current issues
This Government term’s most significant development programme for early childhood education and care and basic education set to begin
Eeva-Riitta Pirhonen, Director General
Ministry of Education and Culture, Varhaiskasvatuksen, perusopetuksen ja vapaan sivistystyön osasto ( VAPOS ) Telephone:0295330258 Email Address: [email protected]
Minna Polvinen, Ministerial Adviser
Ministry of Education and Culture, Varhaiskasvatuksen, perusopetuksen ja vapaan sivistystyön osasto ( VAPOS ), Strategiaryhmä Telephone:0295330262 Email Address: [email protected]
Kirsi Alila, opetusneuvos
Ministry of Education and Culture, Varhaiskasvatuksen, perusopetuksen ja vapaan sivistystyön osasto ( VAPOS ) Telephone:0295330365 Email Address: [email protected]