Legislation: sport Lakikirjoja. Kuva: OKM

This page lists key acts and decrees that govern sport and physical activity. The statutes can be found in the Finlex database in Finnish and Swedish.

Act on the Promotion of Sports and Physical Activity (390/2015)
The purpose of the Act is to facilitate the opportunities of various demographic groups to engage in physical activity, promote performance sports and associated civic activity,  bolster the health and wellbeing of the population, and espouse the growth and development of children and young people.  

Decree on the Promotion of Sports and Physical Activity (550/2015)
The Decree contains more detailed provisions on matters such as financial aid for sport and physical activity organisations and eligibility for  government aid, regional promotion of sport and physical activity and the National Sports Council.  

Act on the Financing of Educational and Cultural Provision (1705/2009)
The act contains provisions on, for example, central government transfers for sport and physical activity as well as government grants for the construction of sports facilities.

Act on Discretionary Government Transfers (688/2001)
The Act contains provisions on the granting of discretionary central government transfers and their use.   

Act on Additional Pension Provision for Athletes (1419/2014)
The Act contains provisions on the criteria and procedures for granting additional pensions for athletes.

Act on Liberal Adult Education (632/1998)
The Act defines the principles for liberal adult education tuition in sports and physical activity training centres (sports institutes), for instance, and government funding.

Decree on Liberal Adult Education (805/1998)
The Decree contains more detailed provisions on liberal adult education in sports and physical activity training centres (sports institutes), among other things.


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