Finland’s cultural policy comprises the different sectors of arts and culture, museums, cultural heritage, libraries, cultural exports and creative work. Arts and culture are supported by both central and local government.
The Ministry of Education and Culture is responsible for legislation, central government financing and strategic steering and for providing prerequisites for artistic and cultural activities. Finnish municipalities are self-governing entities and promotion of general cultural activities is one of their tasks. They encourage cultural activities among local residents by providing grants, by making facilities available and by organising events. Municipalities also maintain arts and cultural institutions.
Policies »
Cultural policy guidelines are laid out in the Government Programme and in separate programmes for specific sectors.
Fields of arts and culture »
Fields of arts and culture are audiovisual culture, performing arts, literature, design and architecture, music and visual arts.
Museums and cultural heritage »
The Ministry is responsible for overseeing policy and legislation concerning state-owned cultural heritage.
Creative economy »
Culture and the creative industries with their expertise, products and services are exploited for example in cultural exports and tourism.
Financing »
Appropriations for arts and culture account for about EUR 500 million of the state budget. The ministry allocates most of the financing as central government transfers and grants.
EU and international cooperation »
International and EU-level cooperation supports national cultural policy and cultural work through networking and sharing of best practices.
European Capital of Culture 2026 »
A Finnish city Oulu will become a European Capital of Culture in 2026.
Press releases
Groups based on Finnish model for leisure activities prevent inequalities and increase wellbeing of children
Finnish State Award for Foreign Translators to Sébastien Cagnoli
Finland proposes group of buildings designed by Aalto architects as UNESCO World Heritage Site
Finnish model for leisure activities increases schoolchildren's participation rate and reaches vulnerable groups
Culture as strong and unifying force in building sustainable, viable and more humane future
See also
Culture for children
Promotion of culture for children is a priority for the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Art and culture festivals
The action programme organised by the Ministry and to run from 2017 to 2025, will highlight the main development needs associated with festival policy.

Local authority cultural activity
Municipalities are responsible for organising cultural activities that support local cultural life and those involved in it.

Accessibility and diversity of culture
The goal is that the cultural rights of especially the linguistic and cultural minorities and persons with disabilities shall be reinforced.