Futures work in comprehensive schools

The vision work assesses the type of needs that exist for further developing comprehensive schools and the capabilities that education should offer for the future. The work focuses on changes that demand a societal redefinition of the objectives and methods in school education. The futures work of comprehensive schools is included in the Programme of Prime Minister Petteri Orpo's Government. 

The challenge in primary and lower secondary education is to find effective ways to strengthen basic skills while at the same time providing new types of competence. 

The term of the futures work of comprehensive schools will run from 2023 to 2025. The work will focus on long-term development measures. Researchers and experts will assess the needs for development, and teachers and young people will be consulted. 
A parliamentary monitoring group will lend support to the work.

Seminars and workshops 

The futures work in comprehensive schools is organised around three themes. 

  1. Artificial intelligence and technology
  2. Core skills and learning 
  3. Ecological and social sustainability

The work consists of a series of seminars and workshops as well as other meetings and online consultations. The cooperation parties include a broad spectrum of Finnish research organisations, experts in the field of education and training, and other cooperation partners. 

The international cooperation partner in this work is the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The OECD’s project ‘Education for Human Flourishing’ has identified similar challenges and needs for further developing education systems. 

Comprehensive school survey

Participate in the futures work in comprehensive schools. The survey, which is open to everyone, is conducted by Fountain Park and can be answered until 6th October 2024.

Futures work in comprehensive schools -survey

Contact information

Venla Bernelius, Senior Specialist 
Ministry of Education and Culture, Kansliapäällikön esikunta Telephone:0295330339   Email Address:

Tommi Karjalainen, opetusneuvos 
Ministry of Education and Culture, Varhaiskasvatuksen, perusopetuksen ja vapaan sivistystyön osasto ( VAPOS ), Strategiaryhmä Telephone:0295330140   Email Address: