Cultural Heritage Strategy 

Kulttuuriperintö-Kulturarv 2030 logo. The Government resolution for the Cultural Heritage Strategy emphasises the importance of cultural heritage in different sectors of society as a resource for future sustainable solutions. The key values of the strategy are sustainability, diversity and equality.

The vision of the Cultural Heritage Strategy emphasises the role of cultural heritage as a resource for society and as a provider of a better quality of life to people. The aim is to support and promote everyone's right to cultural heritage. The objectives and measures are divided into four themes, 16 objectives and 54 policy guidelines.

The four themes of the Government resolution are:

  1. Cultural heritage as ours and everyone’s
  2. Cultural heritage, nature and climate change
  3. Cultural heritage, learning, competence and research
  4. Cultural heritage and the economy

The Strategy will serve as a tool for the implementation of the Faro Convention of the Council of Europe and contribute to the achievement of the goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The drawing up of the Strategy will also implement the New European Agenda for Culture proposed by the European Commission in 2018. In the Agenda, Member States are urged to draw up their own strategies in the field of cultural heritage.

Strategy implementation

The Ministry of Education and Culture is in the process of drawing up an implementation roadmap for the objectives and policy guidelines of the strategy. The roadmap will be put together in cooperation with different sectors and stakeholders. It will provide a concrete framework and set clear priorities for the timetable, implementation method, responsible parties and resourcing of the agreed policies.

Participate in cultural heritage work and answer a survey on good practices! The survey can be answered latest on August 15th 2024. You can find the survey here.


Cultural Heritage Strategy 2023–2030, Summary
In English
In Finnish
In Swedish
Northern Sámi
Inari Sami
Romani language
In Estonian
In German
​​​​​​​In French
In Spanish
​​​​​​​In Arabic
In Russian


Contact information

Mirva Mattila, kulttuuriasiainneuvos 
Ministry of Education and Culture, Kulttuuri- ja taidepolitiikan osasto (KUPO), Taiteen ja kulttuuriperinnön vastuualue (TAKU) Telephone:0295330269   Email Address: