Creative economy

Rakennustaidetta. KUVA: TeamFinlnad/ Jukka Rapo Creative economy emphasises the significance and added value of culture and creativity in the national economy. Exploitation of the skills, products and services of creative industries has become a significant competitiveness factor for Finland.

The Ministry of Education and Culture promotes creative economy by supporting product and service development, creative expertise, exports and market entries, and cultural tourism. The Ministry also seeks to develop the networking possibilities, internationalisation and competitiveness of actors in the creative industries.

In Finland, the share of creative industries in the total value added of the economy has decreased since 2016, and in 2020, it was for the first time less than 3 per cent (2.9%). The aim is to bring the share of value added to the growth track and closer to the reference countries where it can be as much as seven per cent.

The new creative economy roadmap aims to support the growth of businesses in the creative industries. New professionals are needed in many areas of competence; more IPR skills are needed in all businesses, and knowledge of the procurement process in the public sector is one example of important skills when selling services. It is necessary to boost data and analytics competence, too. The proposal for a growth agreement between the sector and the state prepared by the audiovisual sector in 2022 was a significant new opening. The aim is to apply the growth agreement model more broadly to the creation and utilisation of Finnish IP.

The roadmap measures are divided into five main themes:

  • Identifying ecosystems and networks and changes in value chains
  • Different kinds of skill gaps
  • Business development services
  • Measures to promote growth and internationalisation
  • Assessment methods and indicators

Contact information

Kimmo Aulake, Ministerial Adviser 
Ministry of Education and Culture, Kulttuuri- ja taidepolitiikan osasto (KUPO), Division for Copyright Policy and Audiovisual Culture Telephone:0295330067   Email Address:

Kirsi Kaunisharju, kulttuuriasiainneuvos 
Ministry of Education and Culture, Kulttuuri- ja taidepolitiikan osasto (KUPO), Strategic Steering Division Telephone:0295330144   Email Address: