Brochures and other materials related to education
Are you looking for information on education in Finland? This page gives a list of the Ministry’s links to brochures, publications, videos and other presentations on education in Finland.
More brochures in different languages relating to education you can find on the webpages of the Finnish National Agency for Education.

Media Literacy and Education in Finland

Finnish VET in a Nutshell

Work-based learning is integrated into vocational education and training in Finland
Work-based learning is integrated into vocational education and training in Finland (2019)

Financing of vocational education and training – system that rewards outcomes and efficiency

Finnish Education in a Nutshell

Primary and lower secondary education in Finland

Primary and lower secondary education in Finland in Ukrainian

Anticipation of skills and education needs in Finland
Anticipation of skills and education needs in Finland (2019)

Vocational education and training promotes lifelong and continuous learning in Finland

Funding in pre-primary and basic education supports equity and equality
Funding in pre-primary and basic education supports equity and equality (2020)

The Right to learn – An equal start on the learning path
Comprehensive school education programme for quality and equality 2020-2022 (2019)

The Right to learn – An equal start on the learning path
Early childhood education and care programme for quality and equality 2020-2022 (2019)

Action Plan Report for Global Education Brand Finland
Action Plan Report for Global Education Brand Finland (2017)

Finnish Basic Education -Excellence through Equity for all
Finnish Basic Education -Excellence through Equity for all (2018)