Performing arts in Finland

The Ministry of Education and Culture is responsible for developing the Finnish performing arts sector, drafting the
legislati Tanssiva ballerina on concerning it, and managing budget appropriations to theatre, dance, circus, and performance art. In this work, the Ministry is guided by the experts of Arts Promotion Centre, Central Arts Council, National Council for the Performing Arts, and National Council for Music.



The Ministry’s objective is to foster the quality of performances and the availability of services. It facilitates activities related to cultural policy and amateur performing arts, and ensures accessibility and diversity of the activities across the sector.

The Ministry of Education and Culture allocates the majority of government support as central government transfers to performing arts. The Act on the Financing of Educational and Cultural Provision (1705/2009) and the Act on the promotion of performing arts  (1082/2020) lay down provisions on central government transfers to local government. In this system, the amount of support received is based on imputed person years and a unit price determined per person year.

Independent professionals who are outside the scope of the system of central government transfers include registered professional groups, individual working groups, production companies and freelance artists. They receive discretionary government grants from Arts Promotion Centre, while the tour and club activities are supported by the Finnish Music Foundation.


To support the making and performing of music, the Ministry of Education and Culture allocates central government transfers and discretionary government grants to the Finnish National Opera and the orchestras that fall within the scope of the system. Independent professionals receive support from Arts Promotion Centre and the Finnish Music Foundation.

As a national art institution, the Finnish National Opera is in a special position with regard to government support. The Ministry allocates a discretionary government transfer to support the Opera.

Central government transfers are allocated to a nationwide network of 31 performing arts units (orchestras etc). Independent professionals receive discretionary grants for their activities and events.

To facilitate cultural policy activities and music-related leisure activities, the Ministry of Education and Culture allocates discretionary government transfers to support the operation of national music organisations. Government support is also given to music institutes specialised in different genres of music and various instruments, and to Music Finland which disseminates information about Finnish music. 


To support the creating and performing of theatre, the Ministry of Education and Culture allocates central government transfers and discretionary government grants to the Finnish National Theatre and the theatres that fall within the scope of the system. These may include drama and dance theatres and circuses. Independent professionals receive support through Arts Promotion Centre.

The Finnish National Theatre is a national arts institution with a special assignment to develop Finnish theatre, and it receives support for this purpose.

Government transfers are allocated to a nationwide network of 53 professional drama theatres.

Independent professionals receive discretionary grants for their activities and events.

To support national cultural policy activities and amateur drama, the Ministry allocates an appropriation for the use of national non-profit organisations. Information about the field is disseminated by Theatre Info Finland.


To support the creating and performing of dance works, the Ministry of Education and Culture allocates central government transfers and discretionary government grants.

A network of 14 dance theatres and production centres receive these transfers. Two large theatres also have permanent dance companies, Helsinki Dance Company at Helsinki City Theatre and the Finnish National Ballet at the National Opera.

The National Council for the Performing Arts awards discretionary grants for the activities and events organised by independent professionals.

To support national cultural policy and leisure activities, the Ministry allocates an appropriation for the use of national non-profit organisations. Information about the field is disseminated by Circus & Dance Info Finland.


The Ministry of Education and Culture allocates central government transfers and discretionary government grants to support the creating and performing of contemporary circus. Currently there are two professional circus organisations receiving government transfers.

The National Council for the Performing Arts awards discretionary government grants for activities and events organised by independent professionals, such as registered circus troupes, individual working groups, production companies and freelance artists.

To support national cultural policy and leisure activities, the Ministry allocates an appropriation for the use of national non-profit organisations. Information about the field is disseminated by Circus & Dance Info Finland.

Performance and live art

Performance and live art take place at a particular place and in a particular time and combine different art forms. In Finland, there are 150–300 artists working in the field along with numerous groups and associations that can receive government grants and support from the National Council for the Performing Arts.

Contact information

Katri Santtila, kulttuuriasiainneuvos 
Ministry of Education and Culture, Kulttuuri- ja taidepolitiikan osasto (KUPO), Taiteen ja kulttuuriperinnön vastuualue (TAKU) Telephone:0295330285   Email Address:

Laura Norppa, kulttuuriasiainneuvos 
Ministry of Education and Culture, Kulttuuri- ja taidepolitiikan osasto (KUPO), Taiteen ja kulttuuriperinnön vastuualue (TAKU) Telephone:0295330017   Email Address: