Vision for strengthening the international dimension of Finnish higher education and research by 2035
Finland is a responsible, welcoming and open fore-runner in international cooperation
Finland is a European and Nordic country. Strong democracy, inclusion, non-discrimination and responsibility drive our higher education, research and innovation activities. Our forward-looking approach to international cooperation promotes a diverse world built upon research-based knowledge and skills. Finland broadens mutual international cooperation, to strengthen the quality of Finnish higher education, research and innovation activities as well as the international skills and competences of different actors. Finland works actively in networks and creates solutions to global challenges together with our international partners. Finland is an open and attractive country by many measures.
1. Finland, a society guided by values and principles
The European and Nordic community forms a solid foundation for all of Finland’s international cooperation. Finland upholds the freedom of science, research and teaching, the autonomy of actors, indivisible and inalienable human rights, non-discrimination and solidarity. Finland’s country image is rooted in responsible collaboration of high quality in higher education, research and innovation. Goal-oriented science diplomacy advances international cooperation in line with our values. Finland’s collaborative activities are based on non-discrimination and reciprocity, having regard for the different guiding principles and objectives of our partners.
2. Finland, a competitive economy that attracts talent
Finland promotes attractive clusters of excellence that create new knowledge and competence to respond to global challenges and boost Finland’s competitiveness. Finland is progressively profiling itself as a global leader in developing research infrastructures and RDI ecosystems. Open and advanced science and high quality international education further the global societal impact of our activities. Researchbased knowledge, active mobility, close academic cooperation as well as interaction with the world of work lay the foundation for international cooperation across all sectors of society.
3. Finland, a responsible and receptive nation
Finland welcomes international talent and their families at every stage of their studies, career and life. Entering Finland and staying in the country is smooth and easy. Finland offers seamless career paths and interesting visiting opportunities. Our diverse international student population and staff pave the way for high-quality research and higher education and respond to the changing demand for expertise throughout the country. Higher education institutions, scientific institutions and other bodies in the sector take the lead in creating an open-minded and receptive society that is culturally and linguistically diverse.
4. Finland, an agent in resolving sustainable development challenges
In the context of international cooperation, higher education, research and innovation communities are finding new and innovative solutions to increasingly complex challenges related to sustainable development and global societal challenges. To enrich their international cooperation, our higher education institutions, research institutes and other bodies broaden their cooperation with advanced research organisations and with actors in developing countries.
5. Finland, a country that builds on cooperation
Finland advocates strong national cooperation, which is a prerequisite for impactful international activities. National bodies have welldefined roles and collaborative structures are well coordinated. At the national level, Finnish stakeholders collaborate actively in order to identify common interests and prepare communications on Finland’s higher education and science policies. Finnish actors have clearly expressed priorities for participation and interest that guide their international advocacy work.
Updated vision for international activities in Finnish higher education and research published
Contact information
Tiina Vihma-Purovaara, opetusneuvos
Ministry of Education and Culture, Korkeakoulu- ja tiedepolitiikan osasto ( KTPO ), Tiedepolitiikan vastuualue ( TIEVA ) Telephone:0295330327 Email Address: [email protected]