European Year of Skills highlights the competence of working-age people

This year (9 May 2023–8 May 2024) has been designated as the European Year of Skills. The aim is to encourage working-age people to identify and develop their skills and to help companies find solutions for recruiting skilled labour.
“This is the right time for the European Year of Skills as both Finland and the whole of Europe suffer from a huge shortage of skilled labour. Updating skills, starting a new career path and transitioning into another profession are part of everyone’s career. These changes often require career guidance, which helps people to identify and utilise their skills during their careers. I think that every year should be a year of skills,” says Teija Felt, Labour Market Counsellor at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.
In Finland, the European Year of Skills focuses on identifying and making visible the competence of working-age people as well as continuous learning and the availability of skilled labour. Lifelong guidance, immigration and research data provide important support for the implementation of the European Year of Skills.
“These national priorities are important in responding to the competence needs of individuals and employers, but also from the perspective of developing education,” says Petri Lempinen, Director General at the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Organise an event and participate in the discussion
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and the Ministry of Education and Culture coordinate the European Year of Skills in Finland. The Ministries invite all interested parties to participate in the implementation of the Year. People can participate, for example, by organising an event related to skills or by inviting discussion on their studies or articles.
The launch of the European Year of Skills in Finland will take place at a Europe Day event at the Helsinki Central Library Oodi on 9 May 2023. More events will be organised in May and June. A calendar of upcoming events is available on the website of the European Year of Skills, where skills-related events can be advertised. Campaigns, reports, studies and other topics related to the theme can be highlighted on social media with the hashtag #OsaamisenVuosi, while the hashtag #EuropeanYearOfSkills will direct to the European discussion.
Teea Oja, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7161
Ulla-Jill Karlsson, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Education and Culture, tel. +358 29 533 0141
Read more about the European Year of Skills on the website of the Ministry of Education and Culture
Website and event calendar of the European Year of Skills