European Year of Skills 

European Year of Skills. This year (9 May 2023–8 May 2024) has been designated as the European Year of Skills. The aim of the year is to draw attention to the skills of working-age people and to the development of their skills.  

The European Year of Skills, designated at the initiative of the European Commission, will pursue four main objectives:   

  • promoting investment in training and upskilling 
  • ensuring that skills match the needs of employers
  • matching people’s aspirations and skill sets with opportunities on the job market
  • attracting people from outside the EU with the skills needed.

It is hoped that learning will become a natural part of working-age people's lives and that they will continue developing their skills throughout their careers. The themes to be emphasised during the year include the availability and quality of continuing and further education provided to working-age people, closer cooperation between education providers and actors in working life, and the availability of skilled workforce needed in Europe. It is important that all people can participate in working life, which is why attention should be paid to those groups of people that participate in adult education and working life less than others (for example, NEET youth). 

European Year of Skills in Finland

Finland's priorities for the European Year of Skills are: 

  1. identifying the skills of working-age people and making them more visible  
  2. continuous learning  
  3. availability of skilled workforce. 

Lifelong guidance, immigration and research data provide important support for the implementation of the European Year of Skills.

In Finland, these themes will be visible in events organised by various actors, for example.

The objective of the European Year of Skills is to highlight the importance of skills. The message is to encourage working-age people to take a closer look at their skills acquired in different ways and make them visible to others. In addition, individuals are encouraged to keep developing their skills throughout their careers. 

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and the Ministry of Education and Culture are responsible for coordinating the European Year of Skills in Finland. The Ministries invite all interested parties to participate in the implementation of the year. There will be many different opportunities and ways to participate. 

The European Year of Skills will be officially launched on Europe Day, 9 May 2023. 

Contact information

Teea Oja, Senior Specialist 
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Työllisyys ja toimivat markkinat (TTM), Työmarkkinat (TYMA), Osaava työvoima (OST) Telephone:0295047161   Email Address:

Ulla-Jill Karlsson, Ministerial Adviser 
Ministry of Education and Culture, Lukiokoulutuksen ja ammatillisen koulutuksen osasto (LAMOS), Koulutuksen vastuualue Telephone:0295330141   Email Address: