Cultural Heritage Strategy

OKM020:00/2021 Development

The aim is to produce a Government resolution for a cultural heritage strategy effective until 2030, with cultural heritage being seen as a source for sustainable solutions in all areas of society in the future.

Project status

Basic information Completed

Project number OKM020:00/2021

Case numbers VN/1364/2021

Set by Ministry of Education and Culture

Term/schedule 15.3.2021 – 23.2.2023

Date of appointment 12.3.2021

Contact person
Mirva Mattila, Kulttuuriasiainneuvos
tel. +358 295 330 269
[email protected]

Goals and results

The premise of the Cultural Heritage Strategy is the preservation, development and utilisation of a diverse tangible and intangible cultural heritage as a resource for society. The purpose is to mainstream cultural heritage so that the protection and preservation of cultural heritage can be seen as a shared responsibility and the opportunities inherent in cultural heritage are identified and used in different areas of society and in creating a sustainable future.


The aim is to produce a Government resolution for a cultural heritage strategy effective until 2030, with cultural heritage being seen as a source for sustainable solutions in all areas of society in the future.

Starting points

The formulation of the Cultural Heritage Strategy is included in the Government Programme of Prime Minister Sanna Marin's Government (2019).

Drawing up the strategy is part of the implementation of the European Agenda for Culture, adopted by the European Commission in 2018, which calls on the Member States to draw up their own national strategies in the field of cultural heritage.

The Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society, known as the Faro Convention, entered into force in Finland in 2018. The agreement encourages discussing the meaning of cultural heritage and undertakes to promote an integrated and well-informed approach to cultural heritage by public authorities, for example. Instead of an emphasis on the protection of cultural heritage, the Convention focuses on individuals and communities: who contributes to the definition of cultural heritage and how cultural heritage can constitute a shared source.

The results produced by the Cultural Environment Strategy, which ended in 2020, will also be utilised when formulating the Cultural Heritage Strategy.

Additional information

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Ministry of Education and Culture Press release 18.5.2022 8.24

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Ministry of Education and Culture Ministry of the Environment News item 19.3.2021 9.39