Digivision 2030 project implementation in higher education institutions launched

The Digivision 2030, a joint project between Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences, will bring greater opportunities for all learners to learn flexibly. The aim is to restructure Finland’s higher education over the next decade by means of digitalisation and to make Finland a model country for flexible learning.
The project will develop common procedures for higher education institutions and create a shared digital service platform. Other key areas for development include digital pedagogy and guidance based on the learner's path and shared data.
The digital vision for higher education institutions is a core element of the implementation of the Government Programme. Under Prime Minister Marin's Government Programme, the higher education system will be developed as a platform for learners and continuous learning. The aim is that degree students, lifelong learners and those without a student place can study flexibly, selecting courses from all Finnish higher education institutions irrespective of organisational boundaries and geographical location. By implementing the vision, Finnish higher education institutions can create a robust international competitive edge for Finland as a society and for every citizen as a learner.
“Digivision 2030 brings higher education closer to every Finn and strengthens cooperation between higher education institutions. New ways of organising educational programmes and studying also attract international interest and promote the admission of international students to Finland,” said Minister of Science and Culture Annika Saarikko.
The need for continuous learning and for raising the level of knowledge, competence and skills transcends the different levels of education and age groups, and ties together the needs of education and working life. In line with the common policies reforming continuous learning adopted in December 2020, Finland will gradually introduce a digital service package for continuous learning. It consists of interconnected intelligent online services, such as services for assessing competence and identifying prior learning, guidance services, search services for education, services for the provision of education, and related data resources. The implementation of the digitalisation vision for higher education institutions is a core component in developing the digital service ecosystem.
The Ministry of Education and Culture has awarded a special grant of EUR 20 million to the Digivision 2030 project. In addition to the special grant, the Ministry of Education and Culture is allocating EUR 17.8 million from the strategic funding for higher education institutions to the project for the years 2021-2024.
“Digivision 2030, jointly prepared by the entire higher education field, is one of the most important digitalisation projects in the education sector in Finland. We are very grateful to the Ministry of Education and Culture for its strong support in helping prepare the project and for the substantial financial resources that have now been granted for implementing the project,” said Ilkka Niemelä from Aalto University, President of the Digivision 2030 steering group.
All Finnish higher education institutions are committed to the Digivision 2030 project.
“It is good that universities and universities of applied sciences have found a common outlook for the digital development of higher education institutions throughout Finland. Funding for this work will keep Finnish higher education at the forefront of the global competition for competence, skills and learning in the coming years, too,” said Matti Sarén, President/CEO at Kajaani University of Applied Sciences and member of the Digivision Steering Group.
• Hanna Nordlund, Digivision Program Director, tel. +358 50 354 0052
• Birgitta Vuorinen, Director, tel. +358 295 330 335
• Ilmari Hyvönen, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Education, tel. +358 295 330 117