In central government, it is the Ministry of Education and Culture's task to oversee cultural heritage policy and legislation. The Ministry provides direction to the museum sector through funding and performance guidance. The support helps the museum sector plan its work with a long-term approach.
The central government and the municipalities each fund around 40 per cent of the total museum expenditure in Finland. The remaining amount comes from the museums' self-generating revenue and other sources of income. In addition to making the statutory central government transfers, the Ministry of Education and Culture awards discretionary government grants to museums.
These government grants are made up of general grants to cover operational expenditure and special grants to fund projects. Besides the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Finnish Heritage Agency also awards sector-specific grants to museums.
Museums in Finland
Finland has 152 professionally managed museums, which are responsible for over 320 museum sites. There are also nearly a thousand local museums, largely run by volunteers.
Finland's national museums are the National Museum, the Finnish National Gallery, and the Natural History Museum.
Finland has 32 museums with regional responsibility for providing cultural heritage expertise and partnerships in their region. Each museum promotes one of three areas: museum activities (22 museums), the cultural environment (22 museums) or the arts (17 museums). There are also 17 museums with national responsibility to provide nationwide expertise in their respective fields.
Museum and cultural heritage in the Ministry of Education and Culture
The Ministry's Department for Culture and Art Policy oversees museum and cultural heritage affairs. University museum operations fall within the university steering and funding system, which is overseen by the Department for Higher Education and Science Policy.
Operating under the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Finnish Heritage Agency serves as a national expert, developer and authority on matters related to museums, cultural heritage and cultural environment.
Mirva Mattila, kulttuuriasiainneuvos Ministry of Education and Culture, Kulttuuri- ja taidepolitiikan osasto (KUPO), Taiteen ja kulttuuriperinnön vastuualue (TAKU) Telephone:0295330269Email Address:[email protected]
Eeva Teräsvirta, kulttuuriasiainneuvos Ministry of Education and Culture, Kulttuuri- ja taidepolitiikan osasto (KUPO), Taiteen ja kulttuuriperinnön vastuualue (TAKU) Telephone:0295330082Email Address:[email protected]