Financing of libraries

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Municipalities are responsible for organising the public library services. Public library services are financed by the municipalities and the state together.

The state finances library services by allocating central government transfers to local government. In addition, the Ministry of Education and Culture may grant discretionary government transfers to public libraries for carrying out special tasks and projects. 

The Ministry guides and directs the operations of the National Library of Finland, which is one of the research libraries and has certain national responsibilities, and its funding is determined in the Budget. The funding of university libraries, libraries of universities of applied sciences and special libraries is determined by the organisation to which they belong.  

Public Libraries

Municipalities receive central government funding for the organisation of library services. The funding covers part of the costs arising from library operations. The purpose of the system of central government transfers to local government is to guarantee the availability of public services and to balance out differences between municipalities when it comes to the costs for arranging the services. Local authorities may use their discretion in allocating the central government transfers they receive.

The Ministry of Education and Culture grants discretionary government transfers to public libraries for carrying out the national and regional development responsibilities, for carrying out the special tasks, and for developing their activities. In addition, the Ministry allocates an appropriation to the regional state administrative agencies to be granted to public libraries for their regional and local experimenting and development activities.

Subscription subsidy for low-circulation cultural magazines and journals

The Ministry of Education and Culture allocates an annual appropriation for public libraries to use to subscribe to printed cultural magazines and journals of low circulation. The list of cultural magazines and journals, which is drawn up annually, includes publications for which the Arts Promotion Centre of Finland grants a government grant or for which the Ministry of Education and Culture or the Arts Promotion Centre of Finland awards a general grant to the publisher.

All municipalities in Finland, with the exception of the Åland Islands, are eligible for subscription subsidies for cultural magazines and journals. The aid is granted to municipalities based on the number of inhabitants in the municipality.

Research libraries and other libraries

The Ministry of Education and Culture conducts performance target negotiations with the National Repository Library and Accessibility library Celia to agree upon the objectives and resources for their activities.

Every four years, the Ministry of Education and Culture conducts separate negotiations with the National Library in connection with the negotiations conducted with the University of Helsinki. The funding to be allocated to the National Library is determined in the Budget. The centralised services of the research library network are primarily maintained with the funding of the National Library and the National Repository Library.

The funding of university libraries and libraries of universities of applied sciences is determined by the organisation concerned. Decisions concerning the operations of other libraries are made by the organisation to which they belong.

Contact information

Leena Toivonen, kulttuuriasiainneuvos 
Ministry of Education and Culture, Kulttuuri- ja taidepolitiikan osasto (KUPO), Taiteen ja kulttuuriperinnön vastuualue (TAKU) Telephone:0295330056   Email Address: