An online survey opened to collect feedback to report on education policy

By the end of 2020, the Government will prepare a report on education policy running up to 2030. The Ministry of Education and Culture has opened an online survey to collect feedback to supplement the preparations. The open questionnaire gives you the chance to express your views on what you believe competence, learning and research are likely to look like in 2030. This way you can have an effect on which issues are raised in the report.
The report covers policies to ensure that:
- the level of education and competence among the population can rise at all levels of education, differences in educational achievement can diminish, and educational equality can increase;
- children and young people can feel well;
- education and training can enhance gender equality and non-discrimination in society;
- Finland can be an internationally attractive place to study, conduct research and invest.
The report focuses on ways to develop the whole of the education system and research.
Everyone interested is invited to take part in the online survey. The survey is open from 17 January to 14 February 2020. In addition to the online survey, the Ministry of Education and Culture will organise more extensive consultations with different stakeholders as well as meetings with researchers in the course of the spring.
The report will to be submitted to Parliament in autumn 2020.
Petri Haltia, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Education and Culture, tel. +358 2953 30096