Working Group for Cultural Policy, Immigrants and Promotion of Cultural Diversity
OKM002:00/2020 Development
The ministries implement the Government Programme, draft acts and other statutes, and promote reforms through different kinds of projects, working groups and bodies. Information on all this is available on the Government website.
All ministries' projects are available on the Government website
The aim is to strengthen the social inclusion and participation of people of foreign origin through arts and culture in order to increase dialogue and understanding between different population groups. The hope is to move from temporary projects promoting diversity to a more permanent approach.

Project status
Työryhmän 1. kokous
31.1.2020 Meeting
Työryhmän 2.kokous, Skype-kokous
21.4.2020 Working group
Online brainstorming event
8.5.2020 – 10.6.2020 Other
Give your opinion on how to promote cultural diversity in arts and culture – An open online brainstorming event
Ministry of Education and Culture has launched an open online brainstorming event on how to promote cultural diversity in arts and culture.
The goal of the online brainstorming event is to gather views and ideas for possible central development actions from experts from different fields of arts and culture and with versatile backgrounds. The open online brainstorming is open until 31 May 2020. Please feel free to pass on the information of the event in your own networks. The online brainstorming event will be carried out in Finnish, Swedish and English.
The Ideas and views arising from this dialogue will be taken into consideration in the upcoming work of the working group.
LINK: (8.5-31.5.2020)
Results, Online Brainstorming and Virtual Workshops, Spring and Summer 2020 PDF
Summary from online brainstorming and two virtual workshops facilitated by Fountain Park
Verkkoaivoriihen tietosuojailmoitus PDF
First Virtual Workshop: Multilingualism, arts and cultural services
27.5.2020 Other
Themes: Realisation of multilingualism in arts and creative work & accessibility of cultural services from linguistic point of view /
Kindly sign in via this link on Tuesday, May 26 at latest:
Second Virtual Workshop: Intercultural encounter and dialogue
8.6.2020 Other
Theme: Enhancing intercultural encounter, dialogue and mutual learning in arts and culture. (Working language Finnish and English)
Työryhmän 3.kokous, Teams-kokous
16.6.2020 Working group
Työpaja/ Workshop klo/kl. 9-12.30 tai 13-16.30
25.8.2020 Other
Työpajan teemana on maahanmuuttajien ja Suomessa syntyneiden ulkomaalaistaustaisten mahdollisuudet harjoittaa ammattimaista ja muuta taide- ja kulttuuritoimintaa Suomessa./ Temat för workshoppen är möjligheterna för invandrare och för personer med utländsk bakgrund som är födda i Finland att bedriva yrkesmässig och annan konst- och kulturverksamhet i vårt land./The workshop will explore the opportunities for first and second generation immigrants in Finland to engage in artistic and cultural activities, both professionally and otherwise.
Työryhmän 4.kokous
4.9.2020 Meeting
Draft: Cross-cutting guidelines
9.10.2020 – 25.10.2020 Other
The discussion of policy proposals will continue at the working group meeting on 30th October. You can comment on the draft version by sending an e-mail to the expert secretaries of the working group Maija Lummepuro and Sini Keinonen (firstname.lastname (a) Comments can be sent in by 25.10.
Working Group's 5th Meeting
30.10.2020 Meeting
Työryhmän 6. kokous
20.11.2020 Meeting
Basic information Completed
Project number OKM002:00/2020
Case numbers OKM/55/040/2019 , VN/2317/2020
Set by Ministry of Education and Culture
Term/schedule 9.1.2020 – 31.12.2020
Date of appointment 9.1.2020
Goals and results
The task of the working group is to prepare proposals for policies and measures by which cultural diversity and immigration are made visible and have an impact in cultural policy in line with demographic trends. The aim is to strengthen the social inclusion and participation of people of foreign origin through arts and culture in order to increase dialogue and understanding between different population groups.
The proposals and measures should cover at least the following topics:
a)the realisation of cultural diversity and multilingualism in creative work and production, arts and culture content and cultural services;
b)opportunities for those of foreign origin to engage in professional and other artistic and cultural activities and to participate in arts and cultural life as users of culture;
c)the role of cultural and art activities and actors in helping immigrants integrate and promoting interaction between different groups;
d)the realisation of cultural diversity in cultural policy development and decision-making;
e)research work and needs under the mandate of the working group, as well as devising monitoring and evaluation procedures and indicators that encourage awareness of diversity in the field of arts and culture.
The aim is to take into account the need voiced by the cultural field to move from temporary projects promoting diversity to a more permanent approach, where diversity is an integral part of core activities, and to promote cooperation between administrative branches.
The Ministry of Education and Culture appointed a working group on cultural policy, immigration and cultural diversity on 9 January 2020 to prepare proposals for cultural policy guidelines to develop the administrative branch in the near future. The term of the working group is from 9 January to 31 December 2020.
Starting points
The Ministry of Education and Culture has advanced cultural diversity by taking participating in the work on the systems of guidance, government grants, and analysis and development across in the administrative branch of culture and by taking part in implementing government integration programmes.
The Ministry has published two immigration policy guidelines this century (in 2003 and 2009) and a comprehensive final report on access to art and culture (2014). In 2016 –2019, three reports were published detailing the sore points in the administrative branch, and proposals for measures were drawn up to resolve them in response to the widespread immigration that began in autumn 2015.
Cultural diversity covers a wide area that refers to linguistic and cultural minorities and the opportunities for people belonging to these groups to engage in culture on equal terms and to show their creativity on a level playing field. This working group aims to focus on the challenge of cultural diversity in cultural policy from the perspective of immigration and its growth and the multiculturalism this involves.
The Government Programme of Prime Minister Sanna Marin includes a pledge to safeguard non-discrimination. The basic premise in the strategy of the Ministry of Education and Culture is that all action is based on non-discrimination. One concrete measure in the Ministry's cultural policy strategy is to prepare guidelines for taking cultural diversity into account in cultural policy to encourage people with a foreign background to participate in cultural life and to integrate.
The composition and mandate of the working group make it possible to work in an inclusive and cross-administrative way. By organising workshops involving various actors and stakeholders in the field of arts and culture, it is possible to generate up-to-date information on how cultural diversity and immigration currently impact Finland's cultural policy and what concrete measures will be needed in the near future.
The proposals for cultural policy guidelines produced by the working group will provide a basis for continuous dialogue between different stakeholders and help better understand their needs and interests. The work will create the conditions for more coordinated activities between different actors and administrative branches. This, in turn, can give rise to entirely new procedures to better respond to the rapidly changing operating environment and the needs arising from it.
The working group's outcomes will serve as a contribution to better encourage people of foreign origin to participate in cultural life and to improve their job prospects in the arts and culture sector. Based on these guidelines, different practical approaches (roadmaps) can be devised to enable the industry to move from temporary projects promoting diversity to a more permanent approach where cultural diversity is an integral part of the basic activities of arts and cultural organisations.
In 2019, more than 400,000 people in Finland were of foreign origin, which equates to about 7.3% of the total population. Compared with the situation at the turn of the millennium, the total number of people of foreign origin has tripled in Finland. A person of foreign origin refers to those whose parents were both born abroad. Approximately half of those in Finland who are of foreign origin live in the Helsinki region. They account for about 16% of the population.
Hankkeen päättäminen
8.11.2022 Ministry of Education and Culture
Taide, kulttuuri ja moninainen Suomi PDF
8.11.2022 Ministry of Education and Culture
Other documents and memorandums
Results, Online Brainstorming and Virtual Workshops, Spring and Summer 2020 PDF
Summary from online brainstorming and two virtual workshops facilitated by Fountain Park
Verkkoaivoriihen tietosuojailmoitus PDF
Role, Term
Lummepuro, Maija
Ministry of Education and Culture
Role: Project contact person
9.1. – 31.12.2020