EUR 8.45 billion budget proposal for the Ministry of Education and Culture for 2025

23.9.2024 14.03
The Ministry of Education and Culture’s proportion of the 2025 budget proposal is EUR 8.45 billion, which is some EUR 411 million more than in the 2024 Budget. The proposal implements the Programme of Prime Minister Petteri Orpo's Government, which aims to invest, even in a difficult economic situation, in raising the level of education and training and improving the conditions for conducting science, research and development. The budget proposal supports diverse artistic and cultural creation, and physically active lifestyles of people of all ages.

Education at a Glance: Major gender differences in education paths found among OECD countries – international comparison shows Finland's situation remains largely unchanged

10.9.2024 12.00
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has published its Education at a Glance, an annual publication of indicators describing education systems. This year, the report focuses on equity in education.

Finland among top-performing OECD countries in PISA 2022 Creative Thinking assessment

18.6.2024 10.55
The results of the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2022 Creative Thinking assessment were published on 18 June 2024. The assessment measured how 15-year-olds in the participating countries were able to generate solutions for problems in everyday contexts. In Finland, young people demonstrated a high level of creative thinking, girls being among the best performers. Minister of Education Anna-Maja Henriksson was delighted to hear that students performed so well and that there was little variation in creative thinking between Finnish schools.

Anders Adlercreutz appointed Minister of Education

5.7.2024  13.30

The President of the Republic appointed Anders Adlercreutz to the post of Minister of Education.

The President also released Anna-Maija Henriksson from her duties as Minister of Education and as a member of the Government.


Round table discusses inclusion and leisure activities of multilingual young people

19.6.2024 15.31
Minister of Youth, Sport and Physical Activity Sandra Bergqvist and representatives of cities, various organisations and young people met at a round table event on Wednesday 19 June to discuss the inclusion and leisure activities of multilingual young people. The aim of the event was to find concrete measures to increase multilingual young people’s inclusion and opportunities for leisure activities.

New international treaty promotes transparency in the patent system

24.5.2024 13.39
A new international legal instrument has been adopted at the World Intelletual Property Organisation WIPO Diplomatic Conference in Geneva. The international agreementregarding a disclosure requirement related to genetic resources aims to enhance the efficacy, transparency and quality of the patent system with regard to genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge.
Ministry of Education and Culture

Ministry of Education and Culture

The Ministry of Education and Culture is responsible for the development of education, science, cultural, sport and youth policies. The administrative branch of the Ministry of Education and Culture comprises 13 agencies, including Finnish National Agency for Education, Academy of Finland and Arts Promotion Centre Finland.

Learn more about the Ministry and its administrative branch

International cooperation

International cooperation

In international affairs, the Ministry participates in the work of major international organisations and regional councils, implements programmes and initiatives nationally and supports cultural cooperations and expatriate activities.

International cooperation of Ministry of Education and Culture


Anders Adlercreutz
Anders Adlercreutz
Minister of Education
Sari Multala
Sari Multala
Minister of Science and Culture
Sandra Bergqvist
Sandra Bergqvist
Minister of Youth, Sport and Physical Activity