Team Finland Knowledge for Women and Girls in Science

Tuesday 11.2.2025

Ministry of Education and Culture Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Team Finland Knowledge for Women and Girls in Science

Team Finland Knowledge network in São Paulo, Los Angeles, Washington, London, New Delhi, Beijing and Singapore organizes events online and onsite to celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

TFK for women and girls dialogues around the world

February 11, 2025 marks the 10th International Day of Women and Girls in Science. This day was declared by the United Nations to recognize the key role that women play in the scientific and technological community. Gender equality in science is essential for both the quality and impact of science and the empowerment of women and girls in the society. 

The Team Finland Knowledge (TFK) network of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland launches a series of global dialogues to promote the role of women and girls in science. Despite cultural, societal and contextual differences, women tend to face similar obstacles in academia worldwide. The aim of the events is to shed new light on the structural challenges related to inequality in science, explore common alternatives to address them and encourage joint actions for the future. 

TFK-LAC, Consulate of Finland in Sao Paulo

Webinar: ¡Viva las Mujeres y Niñas en la Ciencia! – I Dialogo entre Finlandia y América Latina sobre igualdad en la ciencia 
(Language: Spanish and Portuguese, captions in English)
Time: 11 February 2025, at 16:00 (UTC+2) / 11:00 (UTC-3), webinar
Place: Online, Teams
More information and registration

TFK-LOS, Consulate General of Finland in Los Angeles

International Day of Women in Science, Los Angeles
Time: 11 February 2025, at 11:00-14:00 (UTC-8), lunch event
Place: Residence of the Consul General of Finland, 1100 Moraga Drive, Bel Air
Participation by invitation

TFK-WAS, Embassy of Finland in Washington

International Week of Women and Girls in Science: Global Perspectives in Science Diplomacy
Time: 10 February 2025, at 4:00-7:00 PM
Place: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Center, Room 820, 555 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, D.C.
More information and registration

TFK-LON, Embassy of Finland in London

International Day of Women in Science, London
Time: 11 February 2025, exact time TBC
Place: Online
More information and registration: TBC

TFK-NDE, Embassy of Finland in New Delhi

Webinar: International Day of Women and Girls in Science, New Delhi
Time: 11 February 2025, exact time TBC
Place: Online
More information and registration: TBC

TFK-PEK, Embassy of Finland in Beijing

Time: 11 February 2025, at 15:00-17:00 (UTC+8)
Place: The Embassy of Finland in Beijing, Level 19, West Tower, Genesis Beijing; No. 8 Xinyuan South Road
More information and registration

TFK-SIN, Embassy of Finland in Singapore

Women and girls in science – videos from Singapore
Time: 10.-12.2.2025
Place: Online, on the Embassy’s social media:
-    LinkedIn 
-    Instagram
-    Facebook

Stay tuned for updates on the events!
