WHO report highlights progress and challenges in improving physical activity levels across the European Union

A new report from WHO “Health-enhancing physical activity in the European Union, 2024” presents the latest data on physical activity across the European Union (EU), reflecting on the progress achieved in making health-enhancing physical activity an integral part of people’s lives. The report reveals that there has been a notable improvement in the implementation of physical activity policies in the EU from 2015 to 2024.
This report presents the results of the Health-Enhancing Physical Activity Monitoring Framework conducted in the European Union Member States in 2024, updating the information published in 2015, 2018 and 2021.
It provides aggregated information collected on 23 indicators that reflect a comprehensive approach to national physical activity promotion and monitor implementation of the European Union Physical Activity Guidelines.
An overall improvement in implementation of the indicators is observed between 2015 and 2024. For example, the average proportions of the 23 indicators that were achieved by Member States increased from 64.7 percent (in 2015) to 81.8 percent in 2024. This progress indicates an overall growing commitment to promoting physical activity as a critical component of public health.
Despite the increase in policy development and implementation, the latest available WHO data on physical activity levels showed that global prevalence of insufficient physical activity was 31.3% in. If these trends continue, the WHO Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018–2030 target of a 15% reduction in levels of physical inactivity will not be met in most countries.
The report includes a summary of national policies and action plans to promote physical activity in the EU. It highlights the importance of adopting approaches that involve various sectors such as health, education, sports, urban planning, and transport.
The Ministry of Education and Culture represents Finland in the European Union and the World Health Organization (WHO) European network of focal points for health-enhancing physical activity. The role of the focal points network is to coordinate data collection at the national level and to support the EU and WHO Europe in the preparation, implementation, and reporting of data collection and in the implementation of measures to promote physical activity in Europe.
More information: Päivi Aalto-Nevalainen, Senior Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 330 054
Health-enhancing physical activity in the European Union, 2024