Finnish State Award for Foreign Translators to Sebastian Musielak

Ministry of Education and Culture
Publication date 24.11.2017 12.56
Press release

This year’s Finnish State Award for Foreign Translators has been awarded to the Polish translator Sebastian Musielak. The prize sum is EUR 15,000. Musielak has translated Finnish literature into Polish, including works by Mika Waltari, science fiction by Johanna Sinisalo and youth literature by Salla Simukka. Minister for European Affairs, Culture and Sport Sampo Terho handed the award to Musielak at a ceremony held in Helsinki on 24 November.

Sebastian Musielak, the translator awarded this year, is motivated by a desire to transmit emotions aroused by literature to new readers. He has successfully worked towards this goal already for years by translating more than 60 books from Finnish into Polish. Works translated by Sebastian Musielak include detective novels by Mika Waltari, science fiction by Johanna Sinisalo and youth literature by Salla Simukka.

A further manifestation of Musielak’s devotion to Finnish literature is a publishing company founded by him, which is specialised in publishing future classics as Polish translations. Moreover, Musielak has distinguished himself as a supporter and mentor of young translators.

The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture has granted the State Award for Foreign Translators annually since 1975. The prize is awarded each year to a distinguished translator of Finnish literature on the recommendation of FILI – Finnish Literature Exchange.

According to Minister for European Affairs, Culture and Sport Sampo Terho, who handed out the award, the prize is a special mark of honour for those who make Finnish literature a part of world literature.

Inquiries: Hanna Heiskanen, Communications Manager, FILI, [email protected], tel. +358 (0) 50 357 4460

The key task of FILI, a centre for the export of literature, is to make Finnish literature more international. FILI awards translation and printing grants, among others. FILI was founded in 1977 and it is a department of the Finnish Literature Society.