Juha Itkonen appointed chair of the Central Arts Council

Ministry of Education and Culture
Publication date 3.9.2019 15.34 | Published in English on 4.9.2019 at 9.00
Type:Press release
Juha Itkonen. Kuva on Otavan
Juha Itkonen. Photo: Otava / Laura Malmivaara 2015.

Minister of Science and Culture Hanna Kosonen has appointed the Central Arts Council for the term 1 September 2019 to 31 August 2022. Author Juha Itkonen was appointed as Chair of the Council.

Other members are Cultural Director Sari Kaasinen, Chief Conductor Ville Matvejeff, Visual Artist Melek Mazici, Executive Director Rosa Meriläinen, Executive Director Hanna Rosendahl, Executive Director Hannu Saha, Author Philip Teir and Rector Mauri Ylä-Kotola.

“I’m very much looking forward to having an active dialogue with the new Central Arts Council, which includes among its members many prominent people from the arts and culture sector. I believe that in cooperation with the Central Arts Council we can enhance the arts and culture across Finland for the benefit and enjoyment of all people,” said Minister Hanna Kosonen.

The Central Arts Council makes decisions regarding the number of national arts councils, their names and their roles. It also appoints the members of the arts councils. In addition, the Central Arts Council serves as an advisory body to the Ministry of Education and Culture in policymaking regarding the arts.


- Satu Mäki-Lassila, Special Adviser, tel. +358 2953 30103
- Katri Santtila, Counsellor for Cultural Affairs, tel. +358 2953 30285

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