Report recommends establishment of a new architecture and design museum complex in Helsinki

A report recommends that a new world-class museum of architecture and design be established in Helsinki. The report commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Culture, the City of Helsinki, the foundation for the Design Museum and the foundation for the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Architecture Information Centre was submitted to Sampo Terho, Minister for European Affairs, Culture and Sport, and Jan Vapaavuori, Mayor of Helsinki, on 21 August.
According to the report, Finland needs a new, top-class museum of architecture and design. Finnish architecture and design attract interest at both the national and the international level. The important collections of the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Design Museum and the demand in the field lay a strong foundation for the development of a new museum complex.
The museum should speak widely to different groups of visitors. According to the report, it would also play an important role as a databank for architecture and design, a learning environment and a visitor attraction and inspire societal discussion.
The report proposes that the museum be located to a new building with interesting architecture and design and meeting the requirements of modern museum operations.
The team of rapporteurs proposes a merger of the current museums into one organisation in which both sectors can develop.
The work on the report was launched in spring 2018 by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the City of Helsinki in cooperation with the foundation for the Design Museum and the foundation for the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Architecture Information Centre. The report was drawn up by Tuomas Auvinen, CEO, Mirkku Kullberg, Strategic Marketing Director and Ulla Teräs, Innovator. The report was supported by a support group consisting of representatives of the Government, the City and the museums.
“Finland is famous for architecture and design that is present in everyone's day-to-day life and an important part of the Nordic idea of wellbeing. We have not managed to highlight this strength enough. Finland therefore deserves a Museum of Architecture and Design that reflects the international significance of its architecture and design,” says Tuomas Auvinen.
The Ministry of Education and Culture and the City of Helsinki will decide on further reports in cooperation with the current museum organisations during the autumn.
“The Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Design Museum are among the most significant museums in Finland, and the Ministry considers it important that their expertise and collections be given a more prominent role and use. The new museum complex would provide more visibility and effectiveness to museum activities and, more widely, to the field of architecture and design as a whole. Finnish architecture and design are an integral part of our national heritage, an internationally recognised demonstration of the creativity of Finnish people. The report serves as an excellent basis for further preparation and decision-making,” says Sampo Terho, Minister for European Affairs, Culture and Sport.
“Helsinki is an important city of art and culture. However, we must constantly aim at improving and expanding the services we offer to be able to create the preconditions for a good and inspiring life for the city residents and more reasons for tourists to choose Helsinki as their destination. We are known around the world especially for our architecture and design. It is natural to develop Helsinki as an ambitious trendsetter of these fields,” says Jan Vapaavuori, Mayor of Helsinki.
A report on the possibility of establishing a world-class Museum of Architecture and Design in Helsinki – The preconditions and required measures. Ministry of Education and Culture Publications 2018:29
Ministry of Education and Culture: Riitta Kaivosoja, Director General, tel.+358 295 3 30129, [email protected]
City of Helsinki: Sanna-Mari Jäntti, Director of Strategic Projects, tel. +358 400 536 581, [email protected]
Foundation for the Museum of Finnish Architecture and the Architecture Information Centre: Reetta Heiskanen, Interim Director, tel. +358 50 5449 094, [email protected]
Foundation for the Design Museum: Jukka Savolainen, Museum Director, tel. +358 50 307 0455, [email protected]
Leader of the project group: Tuomas Auvinen, CEO, tel. +358 50 648 48, [email protected]