Kiuru in Shanghai: Collaboration between top-ranking countries set in motion

Ministry of Education and Culture
Publication date 21.11.2013 8.53
Type:Press release -

Krista Kiuru, Minister of Education and Science, met Weng Tiehui, Deputy Mayor of Shanghai, and senior officials in education as part of the Team Finland Tour of East Asia to promote the export of Finnish education expertise. The topics discussed included both Finland?s and Shanghai?s high ranking in learning outcomes especially in basic education and how important the existing forms of cooperation have been for both parties. The hosts in Shanghai also expressed how satisfied they were with the active relationship with their twin city of Espoo.

Kiuru is hoping that collaboration can be increased with top performers in education, and Shanghai?s PISA results clearly show that it is one of the best performers in the world.

?I believe it is important for Finland to be able to form closer cooperation with the city of Shanghai and its surrounding area. We both have performed well in learning outcomes, and it would be expedient for such top performing actors to work together in deliberating the future in today?s global and digital age. I?m pleased to see that Shanghai?s decision-making authorities and senior public officials have expressed their interest in the idea?, said Minister Kiuru.

Team Finland?s export promotion sojourn in Shanghai included a visit to Luwan High School, two Fenno-Chinese expertseminars and a networking event for Finnish and Chinese partners. Kiuru also paid a visit to Aalto-Tongji Design Factory, which operates in connection with the Tongji Univeristy. An agreement was contracted on the same occasion, whereby Educluster Finland will set up premises at the Design Factory.

During the stay in Shanghai, a memorandum of understanding was contracted between a consortium of Finnish stakeholders and the regional administration of Shanghai for establishing broader cooperation to develop the quality of vocational education in Shanghai. A prospective pilot project would be implemented in collaboration with a Finnish company.

- Mr Esa Suominen, Special Adviser, tel. +358 43 824 5668 , [email protected]