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Routes4U Consultation on Cultural Routes in the Baltic Sea Region
Cultural Heritage links people in the Baltic Sea Region

Ministry of Education and Culture
Publication date 22.3.2019 8.14
Press release
Picture: a view from Helsinki centre
Helsinki. Photo: Teuvo Kanerva / Picture Collections of the Finnish Heritage Agency

Consultation on Cultural Routes in the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) will take place the 26 and 27 March in Helsinki, Finland. Organised in the framework of the Routes4U Project the event will discuss about the Cultural Routes rich and diverse cultural heritage in the macro-region and new cultural routes projects to be developed in the Baltic Sea Region. The event is hosted by the Ministry of Education and Culture and is a part of the Finnish Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

Mr Paavo Lipponen, Former Prime Minister of Finland, will deliver the keynote speech of the Route4U Consultation on Cultural Routes in the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR).
Participants will exchange views on regional needs of the Baltic Sea Region with regard to the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme in the framework of the Routes4U Project.

Emphasis will be put on specific cultural topics, such as Modern Architecture and Maritime Heritage, which have been identified to be further developed transnational networks in the Baltic Sea Region. The meeting will provide guidance on the certification “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe”, showing the benefit of the certified networks with regard to the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region.

The Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe act as channels for intercultural dialogue and promote a better knowledge and understanding of our European shared history and heritage.

”This is the power of Cultural Routes at its best: A creative bridge that facilitates cultural exchange – yes - but one which also connects our history to the modern day, and indeed our common future too.” said Mrs Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe.

Fifteen Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe cross the Baltic Sea Region, including the Hansa, the Viking Routes, the European Route of Megalithic Culture, the European Route of Cistercian Abbey and the European Cemeteries Route, Destination Napoleon and the Saint Olav Ways.

Routes4U Project, joint programme between the European Union and the Council of Europe, aims at strengthening regional development through the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe in line with the four EU macro-regional strategies (Adriatic-Ionian, Alpine, Baltic Sea and Danube Region), according to the Council of Europe Faro Convention.

Participants to the meeting include representatives from Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe networks, stakeholders from the cultural and tourism field at national and macro-regional level in the

Baltic Sea Region, European Institutions and International Organizations.

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