Finna brings together the treasures of Finnish archives, libraries and museums

Ministry of Education and Culture
Publication date 15.10.2013 9.54
Type:News item

The Finna search service is the first to bring together the collections of Finnish archives, libraries and museums. Finna provides direct access to some digital content and information about available material.

Finna is intended for all seekers of both information and inspiration. The service features treasures from the collections as well as the latest research results. Users can easily access images of museum objects and works of art, digital documents, books, maps and reference data whenever it suits them.

Finna’s information is reliable and up to date, thanks to the efforts of experts at the participating archives, libraries and museums. Finna is also accessible by mobile devices.

In October Finna includes dozens of archives, libraries and museums along with their collections and some of their online services. New organisations will gradually join Finna, enabling users to search for records through an even wider range of material.

Finnish archives, libraries and museums have collaborated in designing Finna to meet user needs regarding its search functions and features.

The National Library of Finland has used open-source software in Finna’s technical implementation and will continue to develop the service based on user feedback.

Finna is part of the Ministry of Education and Culture’s National Digital Library (NDL) project.

Further information

Information about Finna in the Finna search service:  

Director Kristiina Hormia-Poutanen, National Library of Finland Library
Network Services
Tel. +358 9 191 44118
Email: kristiina.hormia (at)