EU Sports Directors Meeting: Presidency Conclusions
Following the EU Sports Directors Meeting in Naantali, Finland, on 4-6 October 2006, in the presence of the European Commission, the Finnish EU Presidency affirms that the Sports Directors:
The role and status of voluntary sports organisations
•Underscored the key role of voluntary sports organisations in providing opportunities for sport for the population and the role of voluntary work in contributing to the common good in society.
• Considered it important that the specific nature of non-profit sports
organisations be recognised and the difference between voluntary non-profit sports organisations and profit-seeking business enterprises be taken into consideration in Community law.
• Decided to set up a working group on Sport and non-profit organisations in relation to Community law chaired by the European Commission. The Ministerial Conference “The EU & Sport: Matching expectations” is invited to give further objectives on the mandate of this working group.
• Invited the Ministerial Conference “The EU & Sport: Matching expectations” to call for the recognition of the specific nature of voluntary organisations and the consideration of their role and status in the White Paper on Sport currently being prepared by the Commission.
Sport and Health Policies
• Were of the opinion that health-enhancing physical activity over the whole lifespan should be integrated into different policy sectors by strengthening cross-sectoral cooperation both in the European Union institutions and in the EU Member States.
• Considered it important that account be taken of health-enhancing physical activity both in the White Paper on Sport and in a possible White Paper on Diet, Physical Activity and Health and that the preparation of these two documents be coordinated.
• Underlined the need for further cooperation as regards the exchange of best practices, research to develop good practice and development projects undertaken together with sports organisations, as well as the need to draft common European health enhancing physical activity recommendations.
• Thanked the Working Group on Sport and Health for their active and comprehensive work and considered it important that the Working Group continue its work on the basis of the discussions at the Ministerial Conference “The EU & Sport: Matching expectations”.
Fight against Doping in Sport
• Strongly supported Mr Jean-François Lamour, French Minister for Youth, Sports and Associations, as the common candidate of the EU Member States in the election of WADA Vice-Chair and expressed their unanimous commitment to support the candidacy of Mr Lamour at the 17th Informal Meeting of European Ministers Responsible for Sport in Moscow, 20-21 October 2006.
• Thanked all those EU Member States which put forward potential candidates and expressed their opinion in the consultation process of WADA Vice-Chair, as well as the working group for its contribution.
• Strongly supported Mr Brian Mikkelsen, Danish Minister for Culture, as the common candidate of the EU Member States for the European seat on the WADA Executive Committee.
• Reaffirmed that at the WADA Foundation Board Meeting in November 2006 the EU Member States will be represented by the Vice-Chair and by the present and next EU Presidencies.
• Reaffirmed their strong commitment to the ratification and implementation of the Unesco International Convention against Doping in Sport.
Economic Dimension of Sport
• Took note of the meeting of the Working Group on Sport & Economics and called upon future Presidencies to follow up this discussion.
White Paper on Sport
• Welcomed the envisaged initiative of the European Commission to issue a White Paper on Sport and expressed their appreciation to the Commission for the consultation process involving the EU Member States and the European sports movement in the preparation of this document.
Ministerial Conference "The EU & Sport: Matching expectations"
• Underlined the political importance of the Ministerial Conference "The EU & Sport: Matching expectations", to be organised by the European Commission and the Finnish Presidency in Brussels on 27-28 November 2006, and the timeliness of this occasion for advancing the political agenda for sport.
Revision of the TV without Frontiers Directive
• Discussed the draft of a new Article 3b of the Directive, which deals with short news reports on events of high interest to public.
• Underscored the importance of cooperation and mutual exchange of information between the sports and media sectors in the EU Member States with a view to obtaining a balanced solution that takes into account the interest of various stakeholders, including sports organisations.
Independent European Sport Review 2006
• Took note of the presentation of the Independent European Sport Review 2006, which will be discussed as part of the item 'The Organisation of Sport in Europe' at the Ministerial Conference "The EU & Sport: Matching expectations".
Council of Europe
• Heard the report of the Council of Europe on topical issues in sport and encouraged EU Member States to attend the 17th Informal Meeting of European Ministers responsible for Sport in Moscow on 20-21 October 2006.
• Considered it important that sport policy cooperation at pan-European level will continue within the framework of the Council of Europe.
EYSF 2006
• Welcomed the declaration by the European Youth and Sport Forum 2006 and promised to convey this message to the Ministerial Conference "The EU & Sport: Matching expectations".
German Presidency
• Welcomed the plans of the upcoming German Presidency in 2007 on the items of sport and economics, social aspects of sport, integration through sport, fight against doping in sport and cooperation of the national antidoping agencies at European level.
• Noted that next Sports Directors Meeting will be organised in Bonn, 1-2 February 2007, an Informal Sport Ministers Meeting in Stuttgart, 12-13 March 2007, and a Workshop on "Dual careers/compatibility of top-level sport with career and job" in Stuttgart, 4-6 May 2007.