Archive: Press releases and news
- Restrictions to be placed on the use of phones and mobile devices in schools
30.12.2024Osaava Suomi Suomi liikkeelle -ohjelma Education General education
- The Ministry of Education and Culture's measures to promote cultural diversity in 2023–2024
- New supercomputer to be located in Kajaani – Finland gains stronger role in AI research
11.12.2024Osaava Suomi Research
- Finnish model for leisure activities increases schoolchildren's participation rate and reaches vulnerable groups
10.12.2024Culture Sports Youth
- Finland a leading country in PIAAC adult population survey
- Culture as strong and unifying force in building sustainable, viable and more humane future
28.11.2024OKM044:00/2023 Orpon hallitusohjelma Osaava Suomi Culture
- EU's Education, Youth, Culture and Sports Council convenes
22.11.2024Higher education and research Education Culture Sports Youth
- Survey on children's and young people's experiences in basic education in the arts
22.11.2024OKM017:00/2024 Osaava Suomi Education Culture
- Eight Artists Awarded Finland Prizes
- Ministers Adlercreutz and Bergqvist to learn about children's and young people's leisure activities in Norway
15.11.2024Education Sports Youth
- WHO report highlights progress and challenges in improving physical activity levels across the European Union
- Minister Adlercreutz to attend UNESCO meeting of Education Ministers in Brazil on 31 October and 1 November
- Minister Multala travelling to London to promote cooperation in higher education and research
23.10.2024Higher education and research
- Minister of Education Adlercreutz visits Kiev and discusses role of education in reconstruction of Ukraine
- Central government recapitalisation to be secured for the new Museum of Architecture and Design
10.10.2024Osaava Suomi Culture
- Minister Multala to visit Japan
- European Heritage Label proposed for the city of Varkaus
- Performance of immigrant students in PISA 2022
30.9.2024Education General education
- EUR 8.45 billion budget proposal for the Ministry of Education and Culture for 2025
23.9.2024the budget Osaava Suomi Kasvun kaava Suomi liikkeelle -ohjelma Vocational education and training Libraries Religious affairs Higher education and research Education Culture Sports Youth Student financial aid Copyright Research Early childhood education and care General education
- Volume of private copying still decreasing in Finland
Showing 1 - 20 / 41