Archive: Press releases and news
- Horizon 2020 generating impact, more funding is needed for research
- Vocational education and training reform approved – the most extensive education reform in decades
30.6.2017Sanni Grahn-Laasonen Vocational education and training Key projects and reforms
- Lower fees in early childhood education and care, children to pre-school at age 5, higher skills and quality
29.6.2017Sanni Grahn-Laasonen Early childhood education and care
- New flexible training model for immigrants
28.6.2017Sanni Grahn-Laasonen Education
- Erasmus+ programme functions well in Finland
26.6.2017Sanni Grahn-Laasonen Higher education and research Education Sports Youth
- Professor Christina Salmivalli wins Finnish Science Award
- Minister of Education wants to increase internationality in schools
3.6.2017Sanni Grahn-Laasonen Vocational education and training Higher education and research Education Early childhood education and care General education
- Ministry of Education and Culture’s branch of public administration in the general government plan 2018-2021
28.4.2017Sanni Grahn-Laasonen Vocational education and training Higher education and research Education Culture Youth Student financial aid Research Early childhood education and care General education
- Vocational education and training will be reformed to meet the needs of students and working life
24.4.2017Sanni Grahn-Laasonen Vocational education and training Education Key projects and reforms
- Working group: Creative Business Finland services should be created for creative industries
12.4.2017Sanni Grahn-Laasonen Pirkko Mattila Higher education and research Culture Copyright Mika Lintilä
- International policy for Finnish higher education and research
16.3.2017Sanni Grahn-Laasonen Higher education and research
- Language teaching to start in the first school year and in early childhood education
6.3.2017Sanni Grahn-Laasonen Key projects and reforms Early childhood education and care General education
- Quality of employment to be introduced as one of the funding criteria for higher education institutions
2.3.2017Sanni Grahn-Laasonen Higher education and research Research
- New proposals for developing and integrating education for immigrants
15.2.2017Sanni Grahn-Laasonen Vocational education and training Higher education and research Education Early childhood education and care General education
- Vision for higher education and research in Finland 2030
14.2.2017OKM032:00/2018 Sanni Grahn-Laasonen Higher education and research Key projects and reforms
- Ministry of Education and Culture grants EUR 20 million for vocational education for immigrants
24.1.2017Vocational education and training
- Finland and Nordic culture on display in London
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